# Text input

# Playground

Field status:
Field size:

Current value:

I love vuejs 😎

Rendered class:

# Basic example

<t-input v-model="model" name="my-input"/>

# Events

Event Arguments Description
input String (The current value of the input) Emitted every time the value of the v-model change
change String (The current value of the input) Emitted when the input is blurred and the value was changed since it was focused
focus FocusEvent Emitted when the input is focused
blur FocusEvent Emitted when the input is blurred
keyup KeyboardEvent Emitted when on the input keyup event
keydown KeyboardEvent Emitted when on the input keydown event

# Props

Property Type Default value Accepted values
id String null Any valid type
autocomplete String null Any valid type
autofocus Boolean false Any valid type
disabled Boolean false Any valid type
max String / Number null Any valid type
maxlength String / Number null Any valid type
min String / Number null Any valid type
minlength String / Number null Any valid type
multiple Boolean false Any valid type
name String null Any valid type
pattern String null Any valid type
placeholder String null Any valid type
readonly Boolean undefined Any valid type
required Boolean false Any valid type
tabindex String / Number null Any valid type
type String 'text' Any valid type
status String / Boolean null true, false, 'success', 'error', 'warning'
size String null 'sm', 'lg'
Property Description
baseClass Base input class (never changes)
defaultStatusClass Classes when input doesnt has status and is not disabled
errorStatusClass Classes when input has status of false or "error"
successStatusClass Classes when input has status of true or "success"
warningStatusClass Classes when input has status of "warning"
disabledClass Classes when the input is disabled
defaultSizeClass Classes when the input has no defined size
largeSizeClass Classes when the input has the size defined as large (lg)
smallSizeClass Classes when the input has the size defined as small (sm)

# Default theme settings

const TInput = {
  baseClass: 'border block rounded',
  defaultStatusClass: 'bg-white',
  warningStatusClass: 'border-yellow-400 bg-yellow-100',
  errorStatusClass: 'border-red-300 bg-red-100',
  successStatusClass: 'border-green-300 bg-green-100',
  disabledClass: 'bg-gray-100 cursor-not-allowed opacity-75',
  defaultSizeClass: 'p-3',
  largeSizeClass: 'p-4 text-lg',
  smallSizeClass: 'p-2 text-sm',

export default TInput
  • Remember that in order to change the default settings you can change default theme or use the props:
  base-class="border-2 block w-full rounded-lg shadow-inner bg-yellow-100 border-gray-3	00 focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline"

# The result: