# Pagination
# Simple usage
# Props
Property | Type | Default value | Description |
value | Number | null | The currentpage number (v-model ) of the component |
tagName | String | 'ul' | The tag name that will wrapper the component |
elementTagName | String | 'li' | The tag name that will wrapper every button in the pagination |
disabled | Boolean | false | If set the pagination button will be disabled |
perPage | Number | 20 | Number of items that every page represents |
limit | Number | 5 | How many buttons (including the ellipsis if shown) should be rendered |
prevLabel | String | ‹ (‹) | Prev button label |
nextLabel | String | › (‹) | Next button label |
firstLabel | String | « (‹) | First button label |
lastLabel | String | » (‹) | Last button label |
ellipsisLabel | String | … (…) | Ellipsis control label |
hideFirstLastControls | Boolean | false | If set will hide the first and last controls |
hidePrevNextControls | Boolean | false | If set will hide the prev and next controls |
hideEllipsis | Boolean | false | If set will hide ellipsis control |
# Classes related props
Property | Description |
wrapperClass | Pagination wrapper class |
itemClass | Pagination item class |
pageClass | Page wrapper class |
buttonClass | Pagination button class |
inactiveButtonClass | Inactive button class (added to the buttonClass ) |
activeButtonClass | Active button class (added to the buttonClass ) |
disabledButtonClass | Disabled button class (added to the buttonClass ) |
controlClass | Class for the "prev", "next", "first" and "last" button wrapper |
disabledControlClass | (added to the controlClass ) when disabled |
controlButtonClass | Class for the "prev", "next", "first" and "last" button) |
disabledControlButtonClass | (added to the controlButtonClass ) when disabled |
ellipsisClass | Ellipsis button wrapper class |
ellipsisButtonClass | Ellipsis button class |
# Default theme settings
const TPagination = {
wrapperClass: 'table border-collapse',
itemClass: 'table-cell ',
pageClass: 'border border-gray-300 w-12 h-12',
controlClass: 'border border-gray-300 w-12 h-12',
disabledControlClass: 'border border-gray-300 w-12 h-12',
ellipsisClass: 'border border-gray-300 w-12 h-12 hidden md:table-cell',
buttonClass: 'flex w-full h-full items-center justify-center font-bold bg-white',
controlButtonClass: 'text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700 hover:bg-gray-200',
ellipsisButtonClass: 'text-gray-600',
activeButtonClass: 'bg-blue-500 text-white',
inactiveButtonClass: 'text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700 hover:bg-gray-200',
disabledButtonClass: 'text-gray-400 cursor-not-allowed',
disabledControlButtonClass: 'text-gray-400 cursor-not-allowed',
export default TPagination
- Remember that in order to change the default settings you can change default theme or use the props:
wrapper-class="flex w-full justify-between"
button-class="p-2 text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700 w-full"
control-button-class="text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700"
active-button-class="font-bold underline"